Preview of Sweet corn

Sweet corn - quick and easy recipes

63 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category Sweet corn. How about trying one of these 63 recipes today? Preparation time 5 - 405 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Healthy and delicious pasta salad, Homemade Chicken Chipotle Burrito Bowl Recipe, The best homemade vegetable soup recipe, The best chicken poke bowl.

Wheat Patties

Delicious and healthy wheat patties, which are an ideal choice for vegetarians, but also for those who want to enjoy something different than the classic meat patties.

Veal with Corn

I used tarhonya as a side dish.

Colorful Celery Salad

For a celebration or just for the weekend, a salad that you will enjoy

Chicken sauté with whipping cream

Perfect and quick chicken sauté with cream and pasta.

Mexican Tortillas

A treat with ground meat
Recipe preview Winter salad - beetroot-cottage salad
Photo recipe

Winter salad - beetroot-cottage salad

Quick fresh salad.

Pasta salad with tuna and vegetables

A tasty and healthy salad, which is ideal for summer days. It is excellent as a main course or as a side dish to grilled meat. This recipe is quick and easy to prepare.

Pasta with Cream, Meat and Corn

This is a delicious and quick recipe for pasta with corn, meat and cream.

Baked Pasta with Vegetables and Cheese

Baked pasta with vegetables and cheese is a perfect option for a dinner with family or friends.

Pizza Rolls

Pizza rolls are a tasty and quick alternative to traditional pizza. They are an ideal choice for parties, lunch, or dinner.

Beetroot Pizza

Tasty and balanced quick meal not only for kids. You can enjoy it on its own or with mozzarella, at home or on a trip.

Yogurt Pizza

Mixing ingredients for the dough. The dough will be wrapped in foil and left in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
Recipe preview 15-Minute Pizza
Photo recipe

15-Minute Pizza

Quick healthy pizza made from cottage cheese dough.

Pasta Salad for a Party

A perfect recipe for a cold pasta salad, suitable for a party.

Vegan Sandwich Spread

This sandwich spread is a perfect choice if you want to prepare something simple and quick. It's super tasty and made from just a few basic ingredients. It's perfect for sandwiches, tortillas, or even vegetables.