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Beef with cranberry sauce

Recipe for perfect beef with cranberry sauce, which is suitable for the festive table.



number of servings
  • 800 g Beef Added to
  • 2 spoons Oils Added to
  • 1 pcs onion Added to
  • 2 cloves garlic Added to
  • 1 spoon Bay leaves Added to
  • 1 pcs sprig of rosemary Added to
  • 400 g fresh cranberries Added to
  • 4 spoons sugar Added to
  • 1 spoon mustard Added to
  • 1 spoon butter Added to
  • 200 ml red wine Added to
  • 100 ml beef broth Added to
  • Salt and ground black pepper Added to


80 min.
1. Step

Rinse the beef and pat dry. Then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sear the meat on each side. I always sear the beef sharply and briefly to tighten the surface texture and keep the meat juicy.

2. Step

Transfer the fried meat to a baking dish, add finely chopped onion, garlic, bay leaves and rosemary. Place the baking dish in a preheated oven at 180°C and bake for about an hour.

3. Step

Meanwhile, prepare the cranberry sauce. Put the cranberries, sugar, mustard and butter in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the cranberries are completely broken down.

4. Step

Pour the red wine into the pan where you roasted the meat and let it boil. Then pour in the beef stock and let it simmer properly.

5. Step

Strain the sauce into the cranberries, stir well and let simmer for a few more minutes.

6. Step

Slice the finished meat and serve with cranberry sauce.

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