
Dessert - quick and easy recipes - page 21

1696 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category dessert. Try one of these 1696 recipes. These recipes will take about 1 - 720 minutes to prepare. In addition to the ingredients and procedure, each recipe includes an approximate preparation time and number of portions. If you need help choosing, we recommend Cheesecake Recipe Easy, Traditional gingerbread recipe, The best vanilla cupcakes you'll love, Easy cheesecake recipe. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

Butterless Orange Cake

A delicious butterless orange cake, light and fresh, perfect to enjoy for breakfast or during relaxing moments. This recipe doesn't require butter, making it a lighter but still tasty option.

Yogurt cake with apples

Yogurt cake with apples, which goes well with a cup of coffee or tea.

Peanut Butter Cookies

Crumbly, sweet, and full of natural flavor - those are our peanut butter cookies. Perfect for an afternoon snack or as a treat with coffee.

Žerbo Hearts

A quick no-bake treat made from a few ingredients. I didn't use any sweetener at all, but if it's not sweet enough for you, cut back on the jam and add a little good quality honey.

Valentine's Cake

Delicious Valentine's Day cake recipe full of chocolate.

Valentine's Cupcakes

A recipe for Valentine's cupcakes, which will surely surprise your significant other or loved ones.

Valentine's muffins

Strawberry Valentine's muffins with whipped cream.
Recipe preview Raspberry Valentine's Muffins

Raspberry Valentine's Muffins

A cup recipe for Valentine's muffins filled with fresh raspberries.

Valentine's Cake

Valentine's cake with pudding. A popular dessert.

Chocolate Strawberry Cake

This cake is a perfect combination of a hot, slightly cocoa dough and slightly sour strawberries. It's a simple dessert that will refresh your taste buds and fill you with happiness.

Grape Cake

A recipe for a delicious cake where the main ingredient is grapes.

Healthy oatmeal cookies

Recipe for healthy and tasty oatmeal and banana cookies.

Vegan Mascarpone

This recipe is a soft, creamy vegan alternative to Italian mascarpone. It only requires four ingredients and fits perfectly into any dessert or meal where traditional mascarpone is needed.

Carrot salad with horseradish

Traditional Polish salad that goes perfectly with meat and fish dishes. Fresh carrot and spicy horseradish will add a distinct, satisfying taste to any meal.

Banana Muffins

Surprise your family or friends with these juicy banana muffins. They are quick and easy to prepare and will be loved by children and adults alike.