Preview of Rice soup

Rice soup - quick and easy recipes - page 2

21 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category Rice soup all in one place! We have a great collection of 21 recipes to diversify your menu! You will need this much time for the following recipes 15 - 300 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. See our favorite recipes here - Authentic Argentinian Sausage Casserole, Original and tasty Italian mushroom and chicken risotto recipe, Traditional pho veal soup recipe, Easy Shrimp Pho - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe preview Authentic Argentinian Sausage Casserole

Authentic Argentinian Sausage Casserole

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Sausage Casserole, an authentic Argentinian dish. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview Homemade English Cock-a-leekie chicken soup recipe

Homemade English Cock-a-leekie chicken soup recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade cock-a-leekie chicken soup, a traditional dish of English cuisine. Don't miss it!

Traditional pho veal soup recipe

This recipe is the most typical dish in Vietnamese cuisine. It's a clear rice noodle soup with meat, bean sprouts and some fresh herbs. On the streets of Vietnam you can find hundreds of street food stands serving Pho soup for breakfast, lunch or dinner
Recipe preview Original and tasty Italian mushroom and chicken risotto recipe

Original and tasty Italian mushroom and chicken risotto recipe

This dish is a traditional Italian meal. The base of risotto al Parmigiano is cheese and butter. In this recipe with mushrooms and chicken, you will obtain a bowl of delicious rice.

Easy Shrimp Pho

Pho has achieved a rise in popularity nationwide in the last decade. Pronounced, “fah,” Vietnamese noodle soup is basically broth, linguine-shaped rice noodles called “bánh phở,” a few herbs, and meat. In this case, it’s shrimp. You can start off with Rice Paper Banh Mi with Lemongrass Pork and finish the meal with Vietnamese Coffee Ice Pops.