How to make homemade Chapati bread?

VIDEORECIPE How to make homemade Chapati bread?

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Chapati bread, an Indian side dish favourite for a curry. Don't miss it!



number of servings
  • 200 g plain wholemeal flour Added to
  • olive oil Added to
  • 100 ml water Added to


90 min.
1. Step

Gather all the ingredients and place them into a spacious bowl. Employ a wooden spoon to thoroughly combine the components until they form a coarse dough.

How to make homemade Chapati bread? - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

2. Step

Transfer the dough onto a floured surface and proceed to knead it for several minutes until it achieves a smooth consistency.

How to make homemade Chapati bread? - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

3. Step

Return the dough to the bowl and cover it. Allow it to rest for one hour.

How to make homemade Chapati bread? - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

4. Step

Divide the dough into uniformly sized balls. Roll out each individual ball into a circular shape measuring 15 centimetres in diameter. Ensure an even thickness, aiming for thinness.

How to make homemade Chapati bread? - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

5. Step

Use a frying pan and set it on medium heat. Once heated, place one of the dough circles onto the pan. Dry-fry it for 2 minutes on each side or until brown patches appear. Transfer the cooked chapati to a plate and maintain its warmth. Repeat this process with the remaining dough balls.

How to make homemade Chapati bread? - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

6. Step

Promptly serve the chapatis while still warm and at their freshest. Enjoy!

How to make homemade Chapati bread? - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

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