Beginner's Guide: How to Cook Crayfish
5 min. reading

Crayfish is a type of crustacean that is typically found in freshwater rivers, lakes, and streams. They are basically the freshwater version of lobsters. They are native to North America and can also be found in some parts of Europe. Learn how to cook crayfish and enjoy it in dishes such as crayfish bisque, crawfish pie, and crayfish étouffée.
Crayfish meat is one of the meats many people avoid cooking fresh, either to keep away from killing the crayfish first or for fear of food poisoning. In this article, we will guide you through all the different ways to cook crayfish so that you can come out a pro.
How to prepare crayfish before cooking
As a beginner, I’m sure you’re wondering, "Do you clean crayfish before cooking?" Yes, of course, you do. Because crayfish live in silt, they are likely to have bacteria on their bodies. So, take some water and add salt and vinegar to it. Soak your crayfish in there for about 30 minutes.
The salt and vinegar have antibacterial and disinfectant effects, thus getting rid of the bacteria and cleaning your crayfish. Once clean, use kitchen shears to remove the crayfish’s head, gills and feet so you end up with more edible and hygienic crayfish. When you remove the head, use a skewer or chopstick to help you remove the roe. Cleaning crayfish like this will also help them absorb flavour, especially when cooking them in broth.
Crayfish also have a vein, which is the digestive tract of the crayfish and will be dark in colour. Before eating or continuing to cook crayfish, this vein should be scraped off with the edge of a knife.
After cleaning, you can now learn how to cook crayfish.
There are many ways to cook crayfish, and below are some of the most popular. Each method’s crayfish cooking time will vary. Generally, how long you cook crayfish will depend on its size. For a general guide, see below.
Crayfish cooking times
- Boiling: If you want to boil crayfish, you should use a pot of water that is at least one inch above the level of the crayfish. Boil for about 3 minutes for every 1 pound of crayfish.
- Oven: If you want to bake crayfish, cook them in foil at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes.
- Microwave: Wrap the crayfish in microwave-safe plastic wrap, leaving one end open, and microwave on high for 1-2 minutes per ounce of meat.
- A Weber grill is a popular way to cook crayfish and is also considered the best way to cook crayfish. You can put them on the Weber grill for 15-20 minutes.
- Gas/Charcoal grill: If you do not have a Weber grill, you can still use other gas or charcoal grills. Use medium heat and cook for about 10 minutes on each side.
Now let’s get into the various methods of how to cook crayfish.
How to cook crayfish: Different methods
Crayfish is like lobster because they are in the same family, so you can cook it the same way as lobster in many cases. However, we like to be specific, so here are the various ways you can cook crayfish:
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1. How to boil crayfish
You can boil crayfish in a number of ways.
- The first way to cook crayfish is by boiling it for about 10 minutes.
- The second way is to boil it for about 5 minutes then place the boiled crayfish in a pot with butter, garlic, salt and pepper and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
- The third way is to boil the crayfish with salt water or white wine for 3-5 minutes then place it on a grill over medium heat until the shell turns red.
It is also a good idea to cook crayfish in a steamer, as it will make the meat tender and easier to peel. To steam crayfish, place them in a pot with an inch of water at the bottom. Cover and bring to a boil. Once it's boiled, turn down the heat and let it cook for about 10 minutes. Go on and serve this with green beans and potato salad.
Green beans and potato salad recipe
This nutritious and delicious salad is a must for all people who love healthy food.
2. How to cook crayfish in oven
Crayfish are a delicacy that is eaten in many countries, and some people enjoy crayfish baked in the oven. To cook crayfish in the oven, place the crayfish on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 375°F for about 10 minutes, or until they turn red.
To make them fancier, mix cornstarch and water in a bowl to create a slurry. Place the crayfish on a plate or shallow bowl and coat with the slurry. Bake for about 10 minutes, turning them over once, until they turn bright red. Serve your crayfish with a classic coleslaw or the corn and tomato version. If you are not up for a salad, try the crayfish with mac and cheese.
Classic Coleslaw
In this classic coleslaw recipe, cabbage and carrots are tossed with a mayonnaise-based dressing. For a spicy twist, add optional Quick-Pickled Jalapeños.
Easy Corn and Tomato Coleslaw
Green cabbage, fresh corn, tomatillos, and cherry tomatoes: the perfect summer coleslaw recipe. A lime, garlic, and mustard dressing finish it off, along with a sprinkling of chopped cilantro.
Easy Mac and Cheese Recipe
Our mac and cheese recipe will help you to beat your hunger. Its cheesy and creamy flavour will be enough to boost your mood.
3. How to cook crayfish in the microwave
Place the crayfish on a microwave-safe plate. Transfer a thin layer of slurry at once and cook for 3 minutes, or until they turn bright red. To make a crayfish sandwich, cut little pieces out of the cray meat. Place inside a microwave-safe bowl.
Add a dash of milk, a teaspoon of butter, and some garlic. Sprinkle pepper and salt to your taste. Place the bowl in the microwave on high for 1 minute, stir, and then heat again for another minute to finish cooking. Put the heated meat inside freshly baked buns and enjoy with your favourite drink.
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4. How to cook crayfish in frying pan
Place crayfish on a greased pan and cook on medium heat. Cook for about 10 minutes or until the crayfish turn red.
5. How to cook crayfish on a Weber grill
You can cook crayfish on a Weber grill by placing it on medium heat for about 10 to 15 minutes. This will give you a crispy crust and cooked meat with an added smoky flavour from the grill. If you are cooking crayfish halves, place them on the grill, and cook for about 3 minutes over medium-high heat with the lid closed.
How to cook crayfish from frozen
If you have frozen crayfish, it is not a train smash. You must first defrost frozen crayfish before cooking them. Thaw the crayfish by storing them in a covered dish in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours.
Like most seafood, crayfish are delicate and sensitive to temperature changes; as a result, water thawing and other expedient thawing techniques are likely to ruin the crayfish and your stomach. Once thawed, your crayfish can be cooked in any of the various methods mentioned above.
How to cook crayfish tails
Crayfish tails are delicious and a great addition to any meal. The only problem is that they can be difficult to cook. If you’ve ever tried to deep fry a crayfish tail and it came out soggy or undercooked, then this is the perfect recipe for you!
Crayfish tails are succulent and flavorful, but many people struggle to deep fry them for either the perfect texture or doneness. This recipe will show you how to make your crayfish tail come out perfectly every time without any of the hassle.
Cracked Pepper,
Garlic Powder ,
Red Pepper Flakes,
All-purpose Flour,
- Prep time: 10 minutes
- Fry Time: 14 minutes
- Total Time: 24 minutes .
First, put the crayfish in a pot and cover with water. Season the water generously with salt and add the cracked pepper, paprika, and garlic powder. Cook for 10 minutes then remove from heat and drain well. In a bowl mix together your flour with cornstarch then add milk to make a thin batter (enough to coat each crayfish) then dip each crayfish into the batter one after another until they are all coated.
Prepare your fryer for medium-high heat. Fry the crayfish until they are crisp and golden brown, about 2 minutes on each side.This recipe for crayfish is simple enough for a lazy weeknight dinner but fancy enough for company!
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How do you know when crayfish is cooked?
You must be very careful not to overcook your crayfish because the meat will become tougher and less succulent. Additionally, overcooking causes the meat to shrink, become stringy, or even mushy. It also causes some of the delicious flavour to be lost.
- Wait to take the crayfish out of the pot until the shell is bright red.
- Gently pull on the antenna. It will quickly come off when the crayfish is properly cooked.
- The crayfish meat will be firm and white when it is well done.
- The crayfish will have an internal temperature of 180 F (80 C). Inside the body cavity, the liver, also known as the "green tomalley," will have turned a greenish-yellow colour.
What to serve with crayfish
Crayfish can be eaten with many different side dishes, including corn on the cob, potatoes, and rice.
What do you serve with crayfish? This is a question that many people have. And the answer to this question depends on the type of crayfish that you are eating.
If you are eating a boiled crayfish, then you can eat anything with it, but we recommend a creamy potato salad. If you are eating a fried crayfish, then you would want to eat something spicy and crunchy with it. Here are a few more sides you can serve with crayfish:
Perfect Baked Potatoes
Rub russets with a little oil, season with salt, and toss directly in the oven—the perfect baked potato is a snap. For something fancier, top with Salsa Verde, Aioli, or Romesco.
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