VIDEORECIPE Crunchy homemade hash browns recipe

This is a simple potato recipe in which the potato pieces are fried in a pan after being cut into strips, julienned, diced or mashed. It is widely known in the UK and America but is also widely used in Germany, where it is known as Kartoffelpuffer.

Know how to cook Kransky sausage. Boil Kransky, bake it, fry  it, air-fry it. Enjoy it differently every time.

The recipe can be found in this article

Know how to cook Kransky sausage. Boil Kransky, bake it, fry it, air-fry it. Enjoy it differently every time.


number of servings
  • 800 g potato Added to
  • 200 g chopped onion Added to
  • 125 g self-rising flour Added to
  • 1 egg Added to
  • Chopped fresh parsley Added to
  • 2 cloves garlic Added to
  • salt Added to


20 min.
1. Step

Peel the potatoes.

2. Step

Grate with a large-hole grater.

3. Step

With the help of a sieve, remove all the moisture.

4. Step

Mix everything except the onion and potato in a bowl. When it is integrated, add it.

5. Step

Add flour until you can take spoonfuls without it falling apart.

6. Step

In a frying pan with oil over high heat, add portions and flatten them a little so that they are well browned on the inside.

7. Step

Brown them on both sides, turning them over after two minutes.

8. Step

Dry with absorbent paper to remove excess oil.

9. Step

Add a little more parsley on top and they are ready to eat.

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