Source: Pixabay: FotoshopTofs

Homemade Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips

Homemade and healthier than its store-bought counterparts, here’s sharing my Vinegar Chips recipe that promises to bring zing to your tastebuds.



number of servings
  • 3 large peeled russet potatoes Added to
  • 2 cups of white vinegar Added to
  • Canola oil, for frying Added to
  • Salt, to taste Added to
  • Fresh ground black pepper, to taste Added to


40 min.
1. Step

Slice the peeled potatoes into thin rounds using a mandolin slicer. Don't fret if you don't have one; a sharp knife and careful slicing can get the job done. However, a mandolin would ensure even thickness and therefore, even cooking of the chips.

2. Step

Immerse the sliced potatoes in the white vinegar in a large bowl, ensuring that they are fully covered. Let them sit for about two hours. This will give them that wonderful tangy flavor we desire.

3. Step

Once the soaking period is over, drain the vinegar and pat dry the potato slices using a clean kitchen towel. Make sure to get them as dry as possible before moving on to the next step. This is crucial because oil and water don't mix; any moisture left will cause the oil to sputter dangerously.

4. Step

Heat the canola oil in a deep heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat. As someone who has made these chips more times than I can count, I strongly recommend frying the potatoes in small batches to ensure an even, golden brown crisp.

5. Step

Once the oil gets hot, carefully drop in the potato slices, ensuring not to overcrowd the pan. Fry until they turn golden brown and crispy, stirring occasionally.

6. Step

Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the chips and drain them on a paper towel to absorb any excess oil. Immediately sprinkle with salt and pepper while they're hot. The heat helps to absorb the seasoning better.

7. Step

Serve these chips in a big bowl, and enjoy the crunch and tang of homemade Vinegear Chips while watching your favorite movie or enjoying with your friends on a game night.

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