Source: Youtube

VIDEORECIPE Homemade German-style Soft Sourdough Pretzel recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Soft Sourdough Pretzels, a popular treat in Germany. Don't miss it!



number of servings


  • 10 g ripe sourdough starter Added to
  • 51 g All Purpose Flour Added to
  • 51 g whole-wheat flour Added to
  • 102 g water Added to

Main dough

  • 635 g high protein flour Added to
  • 120 g All Purpose Flour Added to
  • 369 g water Added to
  • 17 g fine sea salt Added to
  • 60 g unsalted butter Added to
  • 3 g diastatic malt powder Added to

Lye bath

  • 940 g cool water Added to
  • 38 g food grade lye Added to


  • coarse pretzel salt Added to

Nutritional values and price

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600 min.
1. Step

In a small bowl or jar, mix the Levain ingredients. Cover and keep it at a warm temperature for 12 hours.

2. Step

Add the flour, water, salt, softened butter, diastatic malt powder, and levain into the bowl of a mixer. Mix on speed 1 for 2 to 3 minutes until all the ingredients are incorporated. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes. Then, mix on speed 2 for 4-6 additional minutes until the dough becomes smooth and cohesive.

3. Step

After the first hour of bulk fermentation, give the dough one set of stretches and folds. Return the dough to the bulk container and let it rest until it's time to divide.

4. Step

Divide the dough into twelve 115 g rectangular pieces. Preshape each rectangle into a tapered cigar shape. Let the pieces rest for 15 minutes, covered with plastic.

5. Step

Line two half-sheet pans with parchment paper. Starting with the first preshaped piece, shape the dough into pretzels by pressing down and rolling it away from and then toward your body. Spread out the dough and make it thin. Maintain a bulge in the centre of the rope.

6. Step

Fold the dough to form a pretzel shape. Fold one side over the other, then fold again. Press the tips into the sides to seal.

7. Step

Let the dough proof uncovered on the counter at room temperature for 30 minutes. Then, transfer the baking sheets with the pretzels to the fridge for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

8. Step

Preheat your oven to 230°C with two racks positioned at the bottom and top third. Mix 940 g of cool water with 38 g of food-grade lye using a stainless steel whisk or spoon.

9. Step

With gloves on, dip each shaped pretzel into the lye bath for 15-20 seconds. Transfer the pretzels to a cooling rack on top of parchment paper-lined baking sheets.

10. Step

Score each pretzel with a razor blade and sprinkle pretzel salt on top. Bake at 230°C for 10 minutes. Rotate the pans and reduce the oven temperature to 220°C. Bake for an additional 8-12 minutes until the pretzels turn a deep brown colour.

11. Step

Remove from the oven and let the pretzels cool. Enjoy them warm for a delightful treat.

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Recipe author image Romi

Homemade German-style Soft Sourdough Pretzel recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Soft Sourdough Pretzels, a popular treat in Germany. Don't miss it!

Number of servings
1. Step

In a small bowl or jar, mix the Levain ingredients. Cover and keep it at a warm temperature for 12 hours.

2. Step

Add the flour, water, salt, softened butter, diastatic malt powder, and levain into the bowl of a mixer. Mix on speed 1 for 2 to 3 minutes until all the ingredients are incorporated. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes. Then, mix on speed 2 for 4-6 additional minutes until the dough becomes smooth and cohesive.

3. Step

After the first hour of bulk fermentation, give the dough one set of stretches and folds. Return the dough to the bulk container and let it rest until it's time to divide.

4. Step

Divide the dough into twelve 115 g rectangular pieces. Preshape each rectangle into a tapered cigar shape. Let the pieces rest for 15 minutes, covered with plastic.

5. Step

Line two half-sheet pans with parchment paper. Starting with the first preshaped piece, shape the dough into pretzels by pressing down and rolling it away from and then toward your body. Spread out the dough and make it thin. Maintain a bulge in the centre of the rope.

6. Step

Fold the dough to form a pretzel shape. Fold one side over the other, then fold again. Press the tips into the sides to seal.

7. Step

Let the dough proof uncovered on the counter at room temperature for 30 minutes. Then, transfer the baking sheets with the pretzels to the fridge for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

8. Step

Preheat your oven to 230°C with two racks positioned at the bottom and top third. Mix 940 g of cool water with 38 g of food-grade lye using a stainless steel whisk or spoon.

9. Step

With gloves on, dip each shaped pretzel into the lye bath for 15-20 seconds. Transfer the pretzels to a cooling rack on top of parchment paper-lined baking sheets.

10. Step

Score each pretzel with a razor blade and sprinkle pretzel salt on top. Bake at 230°C for 10 minutes. Rotate the pans and reduce the oven temperature to 220°C. Bake for an additional 8-12 minutes until the pretzels turn a deep brown colour.

11. Step

Remove from the oven and let the pretzels cool. Enjoy them warm for a delightful treat.

10 g
ripe sourdough starter
51 g
All Purpose Flour
51 g
whole-wheat flour
102 g
Main dough
635 g
high protein flour
120 g
All Purpose Flour
369 g
17 g
fine sea salt
60 g
unsalted butter
3 g
diastatic malt powder
Lye bath
940 g
cool water
38 g
food grade lye
coarse pretzel salt