Source: Pronima Marina from Getty Images Pro

Gingerbread house

Recipe for a delicious and beautiful gingerbread house, which inevitably belongs to Christmas.



number of servings

For gingerbread:

  • 500 g Plain flour Added to
  • 150 g Icing sugar Added to
  • 2 a piece Large eggs Added to
  • 100 g butter Added to
  • 2 spoons With Added to
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder Added to
  • 1 teaspoon Tea Soda Bicarbs Added to
  • 1 teaspoon cloves Added to
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon Added to

For decorating:

  • 1 bielok For the topping Added to
  • 300 g powdered sugar Added to


200 min.
1. Step

Prepare all the ingredients before baking.

2. Step

Melt the butter, sugar and honey in a saucepan over medium heat. Set aside and add the eggs, salt, cinnamon, cloves, baking soda and baking powder.

3. Step

Gradually add the flour to the mixture and knead the dough. Feel free to adjust as needed by adding flour or liquid.

4. Step

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour. This is a key step to make the dough more workable.

5. Step

Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 5 mm and cut out the individual parts of the cottage. In my experience, it is good to have a template ready, according to which we cut out the individual parts.

6. Step

Bake at 180°C for about 10-12 minutes. Let cool completely.

7. Step

Combine the gingerbread with the egg white icing and leave to dry. The egg white frosting is easy to prepare - whip the egg whites until foamy and gradually add the powdered sugar.

8. Step

Decorate the cottage with icing sugar and Christmas decorations.

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