Source: Pixabay

Delicious vegetable stew

Vegetable stew is a dish that is a must in my kitchen. I have always loved it for being so nutritious and full of flavor. It really gives a twist to the concept of healthy eating because its flavor is so delicious that it doesn't seem like you're eating a dish full of vegetables. Plus, it's quite flexible, you can add or subtract any vegetables you like.



number of servings
  • 1 large onion Added to
  • 2 carrots Added to
  • 2 Potatoes Added to
  • 1 branch celery Added to
  • 2 cloves garlic Added to
  • 3 liters Of water Added to
  • 1 cdta Of salt Added to
  • 1 black pepper Added to
  • 2 of olive oil Added to
  • 1 zucchini Added to


90 min.
1. Step

First, wash all the vegetables thoroughly. This is a crucial step in any recipe with vegetables, to make sure they are free of soil or other impurities.

2. Step

Once cleaned, peel and cut the onion, carrots, potatoes, celery and zucchini into small pieces. Crush the garlic to enhance its flavor.

3. Step

Next, heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. When it is hot, add the onion and the crushed garlic, fry a little until the onion is transparent, this process enhances its flavor.

4. Step

Add the carrots, potatoes, celery and zucchini to the pot, stirring well to mix the flavors.

5. Step

Then, cover the vegetables with water, add salt and pepper to taste and let everything simmer for about 1 hour, until the vegetables are completely soft. You can taste from time to time to check if you need to adjust the seasoning.

6. Step

Finally, I suggest serving it hot, as this way the stew preserves all the flavors of the vegetables.

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