Source: Pixabay: girochantal

Delicious Christmas fruit skewers

This recipe for Fruit Christmas Skewers has always been a highlight at my Christmas celebrations. The stacked colorful fruits create a rainbow of juicy and delicious flavors. The skewers, with their festive look, are a visual delight in addition to being a healthy dessert. Kids love to help string the fruits and everyone loves to eat them.



number of servings
  • 1 ripe banana Added to
  • 2 Ripe kiwis Added to
  • 1 Large orange Added to
  • 12 red seedless grapes Added to
  • 12 Green seedless grapes Added to
  • 1 Red apple Added to
  • 1 pear Added to
  • Juice of a lemon Added to
  • 8 wooden skewers Added to
  • 2 cdas honey (optional) Added to


20 min.
1. Step

Wash all the fruits. Cut the orange, banana, kiwis, apple and pear into pieces about 2 cm in size. One of the tricks I have learned is to peel and cut the banana just before starting to string to avoid oxidation.

2. Step

Thread the fruits onto the skewers, alternating them as you like. I would recommend that you start and end with grapes since they are more resistant and will help the other fruits stay in place.

3. Step

Place the skewers on a plate and drizzle the lemon juice over them to prevent the fruit from turning black. If you choose to add a little sweetness, you can drizzle them with a little honey.

4. Step

Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve. Fruit skewers are an excellent option to prepare a couple of hours in advance of your event.

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