Preview of Hare

Hare - quick and easy recipes

104 recipes

Are you looking for a recipe suggestion from the category Hare? You have come to the right place! Try one of these 104 recipes. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 300 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. Recipes such as Quick and easy Fettuccine Carbonara, Italian Brunch Torte, Easy Corn and Tomato Coleslaw, Shaved Carrot Salad are among our most popular. Check them out - you might find them appealing too!

Homemade Rabbit with Garlic

Dietary meat and a simple oven recipe.

Pasta with Cheese and Corn

This simple and tasty dish is great for a quick lunch or dinner. The combination of hard cheese and sweet corn makes this meal a real gourmet experience.

Ground Meat Steaks with Cheese

I chose potatoes as a side dish.

Baked Salmon in Foil

Salmon in foil with cheese and yogurt

Tortilla roll

A quick snack suitable even for when visitors come

Colorful Celery Salad

For a celebration or just for the weekend, a salad that you will enjoy

Pumpkin Risotto

Delicious risotto with pumpkin

Bread in Egg, Differently

A slightly different bread in egg

Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Cheese

Quick, simple and tasty tomato pasta

Mexican Tortillas

A treat with ground meat

Ground Meat in a Pan

Ground meat in combination with pasta

Savory Zucchini Cake

Do you have a lot of zucchinis and don't know what to make for dinner? For a change, try this savory cake.

Baked Potatoes with Sauerkraut and Cream

Recipe for baked potatoes with sauerkraut and cream, which can be a main course or a side dish.