
Dinner - quick and easy recipes - page 36

2992 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category dinner all in one place! Check out one of our great 2992 recipes. Preparation time 5 - 4320 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. If you need help choosing, we recommend The best Creamy Potato Salad Recipe, The best ever carbonara recipe, The best homemade potato latkes recipe, The Best Devilled Sausages. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

Fried carp

Fried carp is a dish that I prepare especially during the Christmas holidays, but also at any time of the year when we want to treat our family to something really special.

Roast turkey

Recipe for a delicious roast turkey that is suitable for family gatherings and celebrations.

Stuffed doll

Recipe for tasty stuffed pork tenderloin with mushrooms, cheese and Orava bacon.

Langos like from the Christmas market

A recipe as atmospheric as a Christmas market and as cozy as a snug winter evening: langos. These Hungarian fat buns are definitely a must for every winter season. The outside is crispy and the inside is wonderfully tender and soft. My family and I just love them! I tried this recipe last Christmas and it was a huge success. The langos can be topped however you like!

Baked cod fillets

Recipe for delicious baked cod fillets that are perfect for lunch or dinner.

Graved salmon from Scandinavia

Graved salmon is one of my absolute favorite dishes and I have prepared it many times for friends and family. This recipe of mine is the result of much experimentation and adaptation. The amazing thing is that it is so incredibly easy to make, yet so tasty and impressive. A piece of fresh salmon fillet is marinated in a spicy pickle and is ready to serve after two days.

Pork fillet in puff pastry

This recipe for pork fillet in puff pastry is one of my all-time favorites. The combination of succulent meat wrapped in crispy puff pastry brings palate-tingling flavor to the table. It takes a little time, but the end result more than makes up for the effort. Trust me, I've made it dozens of times and it's always been a hit!

Braised goose legs from the oven

I love this recipe for goose legs in the oven, especially in the cold season. In this case, the goose legs are slowly and gently roasted in the oven, making them particularly tender and juicy. A real treat for the palate and always a highlight on my menu.

Sirloin Wellington for Christmas

Nothing like a classic Sirloin Wellington to celebrate Christmas. I have prepared it several times and each time it is a guaranteed success. The explosion of flavor that this dish has is simply delicious and it can be the star of your Christmas dinner. Here is my favorite recipe.

Christmas ribs

It fills me with joy to share this recipe with all of you. Without a doubt, Christmas ribs are a tradition in my home. The flavor and aroma of these ribs are unmatched. Preparing this dish not only allows us to enjoy a delicious meal, but also to share unique and unforgettable moments with our family.

Delicious stuffed tomatoes for christmas

Without a doubt, stuffed tomatoes are always a vibrant and attractive dish on any holiday menu. This is a recipe I have prepared countless times for the holiday season at my house. It is refreshing, healthy and truly delicious. With a Mediterranean flair and the freshness of the ingredients, this recipe is always a hit.

Hake for christmas

Stuffed hake is a dish that has become a classic at my table during Christmas dinner. Personally, I love the combination of flavors and the lightness that this fish offers, very suitable to continue enjoying the typical delicacies of these dates without feeling heavy. In addition, this dish has always been a hit with my guests who are impressed with the elegant presentation and sophisticated taste.

Tasty Christmas Quiche

I love cooking and I love experimenting with different recipes. A few years ago, during the Christmas season, I came across this recipe for \Christmas quiche\ Since then, it has become a tradition in my family to prepare it every year for Christmas Eve dinner. It is a recipe rich in flavor, easy to prepare and perfect to share with the family during this special time of the year.

Tasty truffled christmas turkey

Christmas Truffled Turkey has always been a tradition in my family and every year we perfect the recipe a little more. This version is a delicious balance of rich flavors and subtle nuances that blend together in the most delicious way. It will undoubtedly be the star of your holiday table and your guests will love it. In my experience, preparing the turkey a day ahead allows the flavors to intensify. This recipe is for 10 servings and takes about 5 hours to prepare.